Block 6 (artillery block): three 75mm gun embrasures, intended primarily for indirect fire.
The gun embrasures, loopholes and sally ports have been blocked up to prevent access by vandals.
The bombardment continued the next day and on the 21st, with significant damage to the surface installations and the 95mm gun embrasures.
It was a concrete square with open courtyard and gun embrasures at each of the cylindrical corner turrets.
Block 3 (infantry): one heavy twin machine gun embrasure.
Durrison plastered himself to the lip of concrete above the gun embrasures.
Block 2 (infantry block): one heavy twin machine gun embrasure.
This site houses the west curtain wall of the old Fort, intact with gun embrasures.
Fragrant cigar smoke blew over me and I realized it was coming from the gun embrasure close by.
A tambour with numerous gun embrasures perpendicular to the entry.