The gun has largely been replaced by the missile for ships and aircraft.
Its own guns had been destroyed and replaced by others which weren't made for it.
In addition, the old 4.7-inch guns were replaced with new quick-firing models.
As with the secondary weapons, all these guns were replaced on Nevada in 1942.
In 1863-64 the 40-pounder guns were replaced by a heavier version with the same ballistics.
It was removed at the end of the trials and her two forward guns were replaced immediately afterwards.
That gun would eventually be replaced in production by the less expensive Remington 870 which is still produced to this day.
The main 105mm gun was replaced with the M256 120mm gun.
Most guns were replaced by 17 cm barrels as they became available.
The single 7-inch gun was later replaced by a pair of 5-inch breech-loading guns.