Red is an unaccustomed color to those familiar with the traditional Aston hues of gun metal and jade green.
Outside, the sky was fogged and the color of gun metal.
Two new colours were released "lunar" came out during March 2003 and "gun metal."
There was a flash of gun metal in sunlight, then a booming noise.
The (later to be highly sought after) medium blue ("gun metal") color for the SS was dropped.
If you make a run for it, you'll wind up loaded with gun metal.
When dawn edged the curtains with gun metal, Bond capitulated to his fretting mind.
All right; we're going to be at a disadvantage in weight of gun metal and torpedoes both, but less so in gunpower.
He could feel his eye touch the gun metal.
Above them, a sky the color of gun metal shook free the first few tiny flakes of snow.