The centers said there were 30,708 gun-related deaths from all causes in 1998, a rate of 11.4 every 100,000 people.
This argument was strongly reinforced by the fact that the regions where gun ownership is widespread were the ones with the smallest number of gun-related deaths.
More than 16,500 of the gun-related deaths were among those 15 to 34.
There are more than 31,000 gun-related deaths in the nation annually.
In 2008 The Independent reported that there were 42 gun-related deaths in Great Britain, a 20-year low.
The number of gun-related deaths in Seattle was 139, as against 25 for Vancouver, the study found.
About 65 million of those firearms are handguns, which are responsible for most gun-related deaths and injuries.
It also features segments on other gun-related deaths in Stockton last year and interviews with people about gun control.
Between 1973 and 1993, the number of Americans killed in gun-related death almost doubled to more than 38,000 a year.
Two-thirds of all gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides.