Work started on the former gunnery school in April 1991.
She was broken up in 1835, but gave her name to the later gunnery school.
In 1922, she was put in the reserve, and used as gunnery school from 1925.
After completing basic training he volunteered for aerial gunnery school.
Spey was fitted in 1900 with three 4.7-inch guns for service at the gunnery school.
By this time an estimated 48,000 men could call the gunnery school their alma mater.
Here he once more took up his idea of creating the gunnery school on Whale Island.
As a result, in June 1924 the navy's gunnery school took possession of the hull and prepared it for testing.
Palliser returned to the gunnery school at Excellent, as commander, in 1938-40.
Buckingham was the first of the flexible gunnery schools to have the Waller.