Oriental Powder Company was a gunpowder manufacturer with mills located on the Presumpscot River in Gorham and Windham, Maine.
Originally a gunpowder manufacturer, in 1837 the company built a knitting mill, and in 1887 evolved to design, build and market sewing machines exclusively.
He was the son of Matthew Laflin, a gunpowder manufacturer and Lydia Rising, the daughter of Amos Rising.
Abraham Bredius was the son of a gunpowder manufacturer who left him a large fortune to spend in the arts.
Miles Peter Andrews (1742 - 18 July 1814) was an 18th-century English playwright, gunpowder manufacturer and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1796 to 1814.
Bah," The gunpowder manufacturer interjected.
"I assure you," the gunpowder manufacturer, continued, "those stupid louts will run like rabbits when faced with real soldiers."
"There you see," the gunpowder manufacturer said.
This is a theme which runs through the background of The Empire, in which wizards, gunpowder manufacturers and Sigmarite priests all try to limit or free themselves from the others influence.
Wakefield was a partner in Wakefield Crewdson & Co., the family bank to which his father brought him in, during 1850; and a gunpowder manufacturer.