She plays a divorced mom (as if her old character, Elaine, had a maternal bone in her body) and gym owner.
Dottie Drake, a registered nurse and the gym owner, is there to help them master those moves.
This situation became one of the chief concerns of gym owners.
She got interesting in bodybuilding at the age of 12 after being introduced to the local gym owner who happened to be a female competitor.
Bruce Gordon, the gym owner, assured me that I wouldn't get hit because all you punch is a heavy bag.
Taking a job at the gym, she persuaded the gym owner to teach her boxing.
The gym owner sends a Thai boxer to challenge Scott.
He called the gym owners' choice of name "a deliberate attempt to benefit from our client's extensive goodwill."
A gym owner who tells you how to eat and live?
"I was attracted to both the project and the location," Mr. Barton, the gym owner, said.