The dance in question is a Brazilian traditional dance, characterized by energetic individual spins, gymnastic moves, and percussive footwork.
Any time you try to perform any kind of gymnastic move, you'll remember that touch.
Ultimately, though, the Dark Baron's strategy held true, as he forced Joe into a series of gymnastic moves that could not be done without tripping on that damned hair.
The first group is disguised as an acrobat troupe that turns deadly as their gymnastic moves are combined with blades and turned against Ittō.
The front lever is a gymnastic move - a static hold normally performed on the still rings.
For example, one of the ads that will run in magazines like People and Redbook depicts a child performing world-class gymnastic moves on a playground.
He snapped up to his feet with a gymnastic move, a kip-up, then headed up the aisle again.
Along with a couple of other students, she performs a number of gymnastic moves before heading back inside.
'Balance Is the Key' She introduces the lumbar roll, which is not a gymnastic move but a firm support for the small of the back.
The competitors are allowed three gymnastic moves per performance, any more results in a point(s) deduction.