He has a gynecology clinic.
Week after week, scarred women came to Dr. Omar Abdulcadir's gynecology clinic here for help, and while the ways in which they suffered differed, the reason was always the same.
There are two female doctors in an obstetrics and gynecology clinic.
Her lover, Stephen Lampart (Simon Ward), was not happy to learn that Paul was about to end contributions to his luxurious gynecology clinic.
In Berlin and Leipzig, Credé established out-patient gynecology clinics.
After graduating in 1976 from a Tbilisi medical school, he was posted to a gynecology clinic in Leningrad.
The obstetrics and gynecology clinics at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center aim to give poor women one-stop health care, from pap smears to parenting classes to contraceptive counseling.
At least eight more people were slain in insurgent attacks outside the capital, including the wife of a provincial governor, who was killed by a bomb while treating patients at her gynecology clinic.
The lawsuit was the latest salvo in a long-running battle between the authorities and militant anti-abortion protesters who have been picketing the gynecology clinic since 1988.
By this time, Oine had married, had a daughter of her own, become the first female doctor of Western medicine in Japan and established a gynecology clinic in Nagasaki.