The Maldives, dependent on tourism, lost habitable islands and a quarter of its 95 resorts, and suffered damage equal to double its gross domestic product.
Transport ferries: The only habitable islands around Iceland are supplied and infrastructurally connected with the mainland via ferries which run regularly.
The majority of the population resides along these two rivers, including three habitable islands located within the main Poplar River.
With its lovely vistas of mountains and 274 habitable islands, Lake Winnipesaukee has been attracting vacationers for two centuries.
The Åland archipelago consists of nearly three hundred habitable islands, of which about eighty are inhabited; the remainder are merely some 6,000 skerries and desolate rocks.
The only habitable island features a strange-looking skyscraper at its mountain peak, obviously of functional design, as only some people are able to see it.
After encountering giant crabs and a weird humanoid creature they locate a habitable island.
If we fail, then most of the world, including not only the continents but also New Zealand and other habitable islands, could come to resemble barren Somalia today.
These three habitable islands were settled sometime around a.d. 800, as part of the eastwards Polynesian expansion explained in the preceding chapter.
The Ginaz School was an archipelago of habitable islands scattered like bread crumbs across turquoise water.