They are more tolerant to harsh habitat conditions than other pocket mice.
Carrying capacity - the supportable population of a species, given the food, habitat conditions and other resources available within a fishery.
Birds may move widely in response to habitat conditions.
Since then, the wildlife population has risen greatly due to better habitat conditions .
The main reason behind this is the better protection and improved habitat conditions found in the Sanctuary, due to the conservation actions taken so far.
The greater adaptability of D. anglica to varied habitat conditions could be a major factor.
Because of their habitat conditions, most fibrolytic bacteria are anaerobic.
Their lifespan can be up to 20 months depending on habitat conditions and diet.
The goal is to burn areas that need fire every two to five years to maintain optimum habitat conditions.
Of these 91 sites, 54 appeared similar to earlier descriptions, 19 had improved habitat conditions, and 18 were adversely affected by timber cutting since 1976.