Species that cannot naturally keep pace with shifting climates will be at risk regardless of habitat connectivity.
A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of wildlife corridors at providing habitat connectivity (by providing viable migration corridors) and reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions.
To reduce the effects of the four-lane TCH, 24 wildlife crossings (22 underpasses and two overpasses) were built to ensure habitat connectivity and protect motorists .
Such imagery provides a larger reference frame in which to interpret the adjacent sediment profile and permits a more informed estimation of the habitat connectivity of multiple profiles.
Wild habitats and habitat connectivity in the region are seriously threatened by deforestation and wetland loss.
Securing habitat connectivity - The Santa Cruz Mountains are currently almost completely cut off from other ecosystems and are at serious risk of becoming a habitat island.
The second principle aims to "Ensure the maintenance of functional habitat connectivity from the headwaters to the estuary."
Reversing the effects of fragmentation and increasing habitat connectivity are the central goals of restoration ecology.
Thus, habitat connectivity is needed so that plants and animals will be able to move to find suitable climatic conditions (4).
It also lies just west of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, providing some habitat connectivity with the forests of that relatively large protected area.