Theoretically, forest fragments take on the characteristics of habitat islands in proportion to their degree of and length of time of isolation (Harris 1984).
All of the structures were undamaged; however, two small natural habitat islands, Round and Disappearing Islands, were affected substantially.
Widespread development has squeezed the animals into "habitat islands," or small areas where a shortage of food forces them to forage on private property.
Island biogeography theory also led to the development of habitat corridors as a conservation tool to increase connectivity between habitat islands.
There once were tigers and Malayan sun bears here, but today it's a habitat island that still suffers from timber poaching.
The peak is an isolated habitat island on which endemic invertebrates and plant species have existed for millions of years.
Type two is secondary or "satellite" habitat "islands" which occur in native grasslands on smaller serpentine outcrops.
One reason for the very high level of endemism is that the geomorphology is diverse, resulting in habitat islands where distinct subspecies have evolved.
Transitional waters tend to be biodiverse; each case is a "habitat island" due to variability of the environmental, or abiotic, factors from locality to locality.
American pikas, however, cannot easily migrate in response to climate change, as their habitat is currently restricted to small, disconnected habitat "islands" in numerous mountain ranges.