Other habitats used by orangutans include grasslands, cultivated fields, gardens, young secondary forest, and shallow lakes.
The bay is a marine habitat used for navigation, recreation, and commercial and sport fishing including shellfish harvesting.
The marsh provides habitat used by birds for nesting and during migration.
Because the cover requirements of eastern indigo snakes change seasonally, maintaining corridors that link the different habitats used is important.
Hence, protection of the historically preferred habitats used by gaur is a significant factor in conservation biology.
Moreover, habitat used by the bird has been extensively cleared for pasture, and the area is rich in minerals.
In order to determine the nursery habitat for a species, all habitats used by juveniles must be surveyed.
Generally, quantity and quality of habitats used by sage-grouse control the degree of predation.
Plant turbines, near habitats used by weakfish and anchovies, suck in the fish.
These changes marked the start of the area's transformation from a rural habitat used for recreation into a more urbanized and industrialized area.