The petition is filed by the U.S. Citizen prospective adoptive parent to finalize the immigration process of a child who habitually resides in a Convention country.
For adjudicating the eligibility and suitability of the applicant(s) to adopt a child who habitually resides in a Hague Adoption Convention country.
As a result, Haitians in the United States (and other individuals without nationality who last habitually resided in Haiti) are unable to return safely to their country.
If you are a person with no nationality that last habitually resided in Haiti, you must show that you are stateless.
You must also submit any documentation you may have from Haiti showing that you last habitually resided there.
For persons with no nationality, the country of nationality is considered to be the country in which the alien last habitually resided.
However, the Chaldean patriarch resides habitually at Mosul and reserves for himself the direct administration of this diocese and that of Baghdad.
It also provides for the possibility of loss of nationality for nationals habitually residing abroad.
It was granted him on 8 March 1408, in the Hôtel de St-Paul, where the court habitually resided.
It is a piece of legislation that requires children to be returned to the country where they habitually reside, for discussions and decisions about their custody to be worked out.