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"It is habitude clarified by memory, more than memory itself strictly speaking."
It was not the habitude.
For too long I have allowed myself to remain wrapped in isolation, in the monastic calm of my habitude.
The riders seemed unperturbed either by the dangers of the descent or fear of being late at their rendezvous, suggesting habitude with the work in hand.
The Killer had determined to come back to the place where he had seen the white girl who took to the trees with the ability of long habitude.
Let me reason with the supporters of this opinion who have any knowledge of human nature, do they imagine that marriage can eradicate the habitude of life?
Comme d' habitude (2003)
Silence fore and aft' - an urgent, imperative cry that from long habitude imposed an instant, remarkable calm, through which Jack's hurried step could be heard.
Il s'arrêta comme à son habitude pour contempler la statue en bronze de Durham.
On the one hand memories concerning habitude, replaying and repeating past action, not strictly recognized as representing the past, but utilizing it for the purpose of present action.
But when love hath lasted as long as possible, a pleasing habitude supplies its place, and the attachment of a mutual confidence succeeds to the transports of passion.
Their ideas of right and wrong are worn away in the constant habitude of repeated infamy, till, like men practised in execution, they feel not the value of another's life.
- Avez-vous pour habitude d'entrer chez un parfait inconnu par la porte de derrière ?
They quote Mitterrand in the same book as saying that the wreath laying from 1987 onwards "n'était qu'une habitude prise par l'administration" ("was just a custom of (his) administration").
L'employée des Cornell procéda comme à son habitude et vint lui ouvrir la porte du sous-sol.
It is also widely believed that one of the driving factors behind the success of this mall is its locations, zoning and superior tenant mix as per the size, planning, location and local habitude.
Il savait que les garder avait quelque chose d'obsessionnel, mais c'était devenu une habitude.
C'est une habitude dont je ne me suis jamais départi au cours des quinze dernières années.
And he acquired a habitude of busyness, a predilection for work, for using his hands and his brain, not so much in gainful employment as in useful employment; a trait everyone in my family shares.
Il reste donc à l'écart des caméras, une habitude qu'il conserve jusqu'à ce jour.
"La varieté est la source de tous nos plaisirs, et la plaisir cesse de l'être quand il devient habitude."
- Bien sûr, dit-il, et pendant que j'irai commander deux Perrier, tu en profiteras pour décamper, selon ta bonne habitude.
He might have argued that the man was already dead, but he did not waste a thought upon a possibility which was, in any event, of no consequence, so do environment and habitude warp or dull the sensibilities of man.
Cinq visiteurs plus les employés qui essayaient d'y travailler comme à leur habitude, ça faisait du monde.
Tom no longer wondered at the habitual surliness of his associates; nay, he found the placid, sunny temper, which had been the habitude of his life, broken in on, and sorely strained, by the inroads of the same thing.