"skłonność" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "skłonność" in Polish


  1. tendency ** , also: tendence
    • tendencja, skłonność [COUNTABLE]
      She has a tendency to forget people's names.
      I have a tendency to forget what I say from one minute to the next.
      The doctor said that Mark had suicidal tendencies.
  2. streak **
  3. inclination *
  4. penchant ,
    • zamiłowanie, upodobanie, skłonność
      Charles had a penchant for getting in trouble.
      His penchant for conquests is well documented.
      She always had a penchant for irony.
  5. liability **
    • skłonność (np. do choroby) [SINGULAR]
      I have a liability to headaches.
  6. disposition *
  7. propensity , also: propension
    • inklinacja, skłonność, tendencja formal
      He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouldn't be.
      I have a propensity to insult people even when I don't intend to.
  8. strain ***
    • skłonność (do czegoś) [COUNTABLE]
      There's a strain of aggression in him.
      People have a strain of laziness.
      He has a strain of selfishness.
  9. predisposition
    • predyspozycja, skłonność (np. do zachorowania na jakąś chorobę)
  10. leaning
  11. proclivity
  12. proneness
    • skłonność (do zrobienia czegoś)
  13. amenability
  14. appetence , also: appetency
  15. habitude   literary
  16. disposure

Related phrases — "skłonność"

skłaniać = induce +6 significados
skłaniać się = tilt +1 significado
phrasal verb