She wore long dark hair gathered back in a knot from pale features and minimal make-up.
Her hair, where it hung below the rubber hat, gathered the mois- ture like a sponge.
She's slim, with prominent cheekbones, black hair parted in the middle and gathered into a bun at the back.
Her light brown hair she still wore gathered in the tight napeknot of an unbred.
His hair gathered in a net, and his belt is made of colorful silk.
She was a tall blonde, with long straight hair gathered into a single tail.
But she was still sitting there, in the seat, her back to him, hair gathered and bunched.
Their hairstyle was simple, the hair gathered back in tresses, often adorning the ends with pearls and clusters of jewels.
Late in the afternoon he noted a tall woman, somewhat gaunt of face and feature, her blue hair gathered into a silver cage.
She leaned forward as she read, her thick hair gathered over one shoulder.