After laying the groundwork with several days of hair-raising stories, he was ready for the coup de grace.
Both have their own hair-raising stories of going past the lumber yard and grain elevator at night.
Then there are the hair-raising stories of misdiagnoses.
As a result, Brazilians have grown accustomed to hearing hair-raising stories of assaults or even witnessing crime in action.
Evans had relayed some hair-raising stories about the exploitation of her rich patients.
Every executive producer had hair-raising stories to tell about errors that would otherwise have crept on to the air.
Stein is examining a "rare specimen," and he tells Marlow the hair-raising story of its capture.
He had no personal experience of pirates, but like everyone else had heard some hair-raising stories.
For the most part, the servant girl's hair-raising story unfolds through long interviews, during which the doctor urges her to reflect upon her life.
"Honest Graft," a recent book by Brooks Jackson, tells some hair-raising stories.