She knelt and unbuckled the green leather greaves from her husband's hairy calves.
Janet Gilhooly had probably put her hands on the rest of him, too-not only his beautifully hairy calves, but the rest of what lay underneath Connor's clothes.
In the Gucci show for this spring, silk kimonos swirled around hairy calves striding the runway.
Jeffrey was wearing black boots she hadn't seen before, and one of the legs of his jeans was pulled up, showing his hairy calf.
It was then that Emma noticed the hairy calves below the hem of his coat.
He risked a glance ahead and found himself staring at the soles of the gunman's shoes, an inch or two of hairy calf protruding from each pant leg.
"I think it looks cute on girls," Mr. Dalal said, "but I don't need to see some dude's hairy calves."
Those that didn't seemed more distracted by the minicam than a pair of hairy calves.
The posture bared his hairy, muscular calf.
Wolfram Eberhard (1968:351) suggests this "otherwise unknown" maodu "hairy calf" alludes to the "water buffalo".