Anywhere from a half teaspoon to a tablespoon of it instantly changes the personality of many dishes.
Season generously with sea salt - a good half teaspoon.
Next day put them in a saucepan with the same water, plus a half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.
Try adding a half teaspoon of cinnamon (2.5 ml) to some applesauce for a treat.
Or you might use a half teaspoon of ground coriander or cumin.
Try a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water four times daily.
A half teaspoon is about 25 to 30 full-size threads.
Adding a half teaspoon of vanilla to each cup is also a good idea.
Another tip: the skillet is probably at 350 when a half teaspoon of water bursts into droplets that chase each other around the pan.
If you feel it's a little bit too astringent, you can always add a half teaspoon of vanilla.