Local writers took a half-day seminar at "Metro University" with the head product planner and senior members of the engineering, assembly, and marketing teams.
These include four boat trips, a half-day seminar studying the research and a history tour.
Round-table discussions and several half-day seminars on topics relating to small business will be conducted by professional consultants.
The importance of flexible working arrangements, particularly for women, is to be discussed at a half-day seminar this month.
No money was provided for such training, and none is provided now, and many schools took care of it with half-day seminars or Web sites.
Individuals looking to start up in business can access advice, support and key skills training at a half-day seminar that takes place most Mondays.
Since June 1992, 529 employees have attended the half-day seminars, which have now recessed until fall.
This full or half-day seminar is aimed at ages 15+ and is designed to inspire students through talks given by entrepreneurs.
The upcoming half-day seminar will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2012.
The program also offers a half-day seminar at Hunter College that introduces the teen-agers to resume writing, job hunting and interviewing.