He looked quite placid as he stood near the wall of his studio, surveying a half-finished painting of a scantily draped model.
So did the half-finished painting of a mystery girl that the police had found in Ossie's studio.
During another public demonstration, he amazed the audience by suddenly turning the half-finished painting upside down and continuing his work.
He wanted her here, in front of the half-finished painting.
There was an easel beside the wall, on the easel a half-finished painting of a woman's head and torso.
He walked into the carriage house past the half-finished painting of a moon-faced butcher in a bloody white apron.
On the easel is a half-finished painting of the skull and candlestick.
The half-finished painting on the easel.
A half-finished painting stood on an easel.
An old pedal sewing machine on a scratched dark wood table stood under one window next to an easel with a half-finished painting.