The ancient oil lamps hanging from the overhead beams gave the smoky air a comfortable golden haze, like a fading photograph or a half-forgotten memory.
She already knew what it was, only it lay hidden like a half-forgotten memory that took time to rise to the surface.
Some half-forgotten memory prompted Brekke to wrench F'nor's jaws apart.
By the time we left, the fog had thickened, an appropriate backdrop for an evening aswirl with reminiscences, half-forgotten memories and unanswered questions.
Quentin had already revisited his own oppressive, half-forgotten memories of war.
Everything moved as if not quite there, a shading of some half-forgotten memory that could trick you into believing things that never were.
It was time for her to move on, to put the half-forgotten memories of the past behind her forever and start looking toward the future.
It was a half-forgotten memory of something he had read years ago.
It stood like some half-forgotten memory, or the fragments on a torn page of ancient, incomplete riddles.
Trying to find what Ardneh wanted was like trying to find a half-forgotten memory of one's own.