The six stars of the sitcom "Friends" make $1 million each per half-hour episode.
Just what are the ingredients in each half-hour episode?
The program was first shown as three separated half-hour episodes in March 2009, and later as an 82-minute film.
At least seven short musical numbers embellish each half-hour episode.
A total of 234 individual stories were produced, three per each half-hour episode.
The first half-hour episode aired on December 17, 1989, and the question was soon settled.
The series ran a single season (1959-60), consisting of 39 weekly half-hour episodes.
There are a total of 52 half-hour (24 minutes) episodes in the first season.
Some stories were contained in a single half-hour episode, but others ran to two and even four episodes.
He starred in about a quarter of the 117 half-hour episodes.