"Werewolf," on Channel 5 at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, is a two-hour pilot film for an upcoming half-hour series.
A new half-hour series entitled Sesame Park was born.
Jack Webb's dour half-hour series, was first made into a movie in 1954, two years after it went on the air.
Triptank is a weekly half-hour animated series set to premiere next fall on Comedy Central.
Marshall Thompson starred in both the film and the resulting half-hour series.
Showtime's 22-part half-hour series with the same title began last month.
He returned to television to do a syndicated half-hour series in 1976-1977.
It is the first significant Australian, wholly original half-hour series featuring presenters aged between six and eight years.
The ratings actually increased, which prompted TBS to order 13 episodes of an expanded half-hour series.
Another goal, she said, is to make sure a new weekly half-hour series about religion and ethics takes permanent root nationally.