For Christ's sake, there was a beautiful, half-naked girl next to him, and all he could think about was his father's case.
Anna found the commandant of the garrison in a corner, with a young half-naked girl perched on his lap.
Down the hall, two women in the laundry room fiddled with a broken-down dryer, as a half-naked girl slumped over a rattling washing machine, asleep.
"Well, mine does," Gill shouted, "and I'm not having a half-naked teenage girl parading around this ship!"
A line of half-naked girls ran out under a rain of colored lights.
A half-naked girl ran out of a potter's shop, then suddenly stopped as her unwinding said jerked her to a halt.
A half-naked little girl was alone in the wilds of Africa with no food, no water, and no hope of rescue before the middle of the next day.
The album depicts a half-naked girl with the song titles written on her back.
It might even have boosted their egos: a lovely half-naked girl begging them for water.