The woman looked at me through her half-shut eyes a space, and then said, "Oh!
Then, through half-shut eyes, he realized that whatever the blinding light was, it was on the ground and very close.
The half-shut eyes were dim with the infinite cynicism of adult life.
Studying the director through half-shut analytical eyes, the president suddenly felt cold.
They remain motionless with eyes open or half-shut and are easily alerted during this state.
He allowed himself time to finish the cigarette, checking out the crowd through half-shut eyes.
Tom studied him with half-shut eyes and he put on his cap again.
I got up to arm myself, while she lay watching with half-shut eyes.
Before long, William was squinting at it through half-shut eyes.
She, however, did everything he bade her, without opposition, silently and with half-shut eyes.