Seven or eight hundred anemic, half-starved men armed with light infantry weapons.
The table was loaded with food that would have gladdened any seaman's eyes; it was a pleasure to see the half-starved men stowing it away.
He was indistinguishable now from the ragged half-starved men, women, and children he struggled day and night to help.
They listened to him in stony silence - a dozen half-starved men with their womenfolk clustered behind them, infants whimpering at their skirts.
Badly supplied with food, he and his half-starved men held bravely to their task, and no soldiers in all that great host deserve better of their country.
In less than thirty days Pompey brought his exhausted, half-starved men into their winter camp at Emporiae, and moved no more that awful year.
He called for and received repeated trays of food, a great quantity of water, the needed things a half-starved man would demand.
A sergeant brings in a half-starved man living wild in the forest, in possession of an ornate dagger that belonged to Clemence.
Ninety-eight days and 1,000 miles later, Powell emerged from the Grand Canyon with only five half-starved men and just two boats.
These miserable, half-starved men they spared, though they could have killed them easily enough.