AS a filling for sandwiches, tuna long ago gained a hallowed spot among the nation's favorite lunchtime staples.
It was a hallowed spot.
For weeks the place was one of awe and veneration to us children; it was a hallowed spot.
I laid bicycle skid marks on the sidewalk near that hallowed spot.
For a time, it seemed, the shoes with the very long name occupied a hallowed spot in the closets of the fashionable.
The hallowed spot sits outside Miller Park, where the Milwaukee Brewers currently play.
Then they moved to a hallowed spot that, before today, had been closed to most of them: the Jefferson family cemetery.
Time after time and right here on this very hallowed spot.
So we turned south to stop at Skalholt, another of Iceland's hallowed spots.
It now occupies a hallowed spot on my youngest son's dresser.