Flashbacks are recurrent hallucinatory episodes that are not associated with the presence of the drug in the brain and may occur months to years after stopping its use.
The mescaline-containing portions of the cactus are chewed by Indians during their religious rites in a deliberate attempt to achieve hallucinatory episodes.
It was not that he was vicious, but that he suffered hallucinatory episodes of horror that caused him to flail uncontrollably.
Mr. Morley's labored hallucinatory episodes are doubly disappointing because they evade the more intriguing task of evoking a mind unmoored from memory.
He learns that he has lived through an extended hallucinatory psychotic episode.
In Folkstone, North Carolina, Jack McAlpin, an agitated Marine Corps private, drives his car into a tree after several hallucinatory episodes and is apparently killed.
According to Mr. Canfield, Mr. Goldstein told him that he would have occasional hallucinatory episodes.
People subjected to these sounds experience acute bouts of paranoia, which is followed by hallucinatory episodes that slip quickly into psychosis and other forms of uncontrolled violent behavior.
As her hallucinatory episodes keep "popping up," Susan is, by turns, "our most important living historical novelist" and "the most brilliant heart surgeon in this country."
Before throwing myself totally into a description of the world inside my mind, I should summarize first the real events of the past week so that the hallucinatory episodes can be placed in context.