This is conservative work that gains interest through its almost hallucinatory personal intensity.
Above all, the lack of movement gave to even the slightest disturbance an almost hallucinatory intensity.
Fantasy proneness involves fantasizing for a duration of time, reporting hallucinatory intensities as real, reporting vivid childhood memories, having intense religious and paranormal experiences.
But it is also impressive to see cinematic realism pared down to hallucinatory intensity through careful camera work and meticulous sound design.
Nightwatchmen and militia agents; late night dancers and frantic students; insomniacs: they found themselves losing their trains of thought, drifting into fantasies and ruminations of weird, hallucinatory intensity.
That bus is also the scene of her first great catastrophe, an accident (filmed with surreal, hallucinatory intensity) in which her back and pelvis are horribly injured.
Gormley is a master of space, and he gave the performance areas a hallucinatory intensity.
Nearly everyone who loved Chesnutt's music loved it intensely; his lyrics performed the rare trick of communicating both hallucinatory intensity and an offhanded, almost conversational quality.
The hallucinatory intensity of his memories, why he'd been so preoccupied with the past these last few days- why every place he turned, everywhere he looked, seemed to remind him of Alana.
In frequency perhaps, but not in hallucinatory intensity.