Congresswoman Gloria Bejerano cites globalization as one of the factors halting attempts to cease child prostitution, as access to communication and media technologies is widespread.
But when the defense is on the field, the Jets are next to last - or 30th - in halting third-down attempts.
This, however, did not halt attempts by the Indians of the Midwest to resist white encroachment.
This halted attempts at negations between Kossuth and the Imperial party.
While peacekeeping forces in Bosnia have arrested some low-level officials, American and European fears of heavy casualties have halted attempts to arrest top leaders.
The Union victory halted Confederate attempts to recapture the capital city of Louisiana.
The attempt was originally planned for 2002, but adverse high altitude conditions halted attempts in that year.
Throughout the remainder of 1915 and into early 1916, Dankl was able to hold the line, halting numerous Italian attempts to breakthrough into Austria-Hungary.
The Aztecs halted any Spanish attacks or attempts to leave the palace.
In this area the German-Hungarian forces had managed to halt several flanking attempts by the 6th Guards Tank Army.