I set out to England by the international express which halted then at the little station below the Casino.
They would halt below the garage and, on the count of three, let fly with the eggs.
He halted below a ceiling hatch that lay cracked open.
"Oh," he said upon seeing them at the table, halting one step below the deck.
The dollar weakened in Asian trading, but buyers halted the slide just below 1.4160 marks and then took the currency higher.
Quickly he ordered the column to halt below the crest of the hill.
He had seen Pharaoh on his throne and he halted below him.
As a compromise, Republicans agreed to halt the business tax cuts if the state's rainy day fund dips below $250 million.
They halted below the battlements and Jungir looked up.
Clambering over slippery, wet rocks we halted at a rowan tree just below the top.