The game, which ended 0-0, halted for 28 minutes and then resumed.
The No. 1, 3 and 9 lines halted for 35 minutes.
Another technical problem halted trading for 45 minutes on Dec. 6.
During the day, trading is halted for 30 minutes if the market drops 12 points.
Rain halted the game for 20 minutes in the bottom of the first.
The show was halted for 15 minutes before it continued with the next match.
After the field grew dark in the second half, and game was halted for ten minutes to discuss whether to continue.
Another time, he said, a power failure halted the trains for 40 minutes.
If the average moved 200 points from the previous close, trading would be halted for 90 minutes.
After a 20-point decline, trading below that level must halt for 30 minutes.