It halted to glare through the crotch of the tree and snap out with its long maw.
Iran now wants to halt the flow of oil through the strait.
The pressure needed to halt the movement through the membrane is the "osmotic pressure."
Serbian commanders are reported to have been forced to halt all traffic through the corridor twice in the past two weeks.
As she came to the spot where Shimrod sat, she halted and peered through the dark.
But it did not halt trafficking through Panama.
If we are about to witness the first break in the dam," she said, "then stopping it should halt its cascade through time and space.
The new wealth not only halted the high levels of emigration chronic through the 1980s, but led to the first large-scale immigration for centuries.
The project aims to halt global warming through natural synthesis.
He was unable to halt or even control his headlong flight through the Detrian system.