She raised the hamburger sandwich in its white paper napkin.
Dagny sat at the end of the counter, eating a hamburger sandwich.
Can you," she asked, "prepare two hamburger sandwiches which we can pick up in about twenty minutes?
Americans contend that they were the first to combine two slices of bread and a steak of ground beef into a "hamburger sandwich".
I am walking along the main street with a valise and I see hamburger sandwiches and real estate offices.
In Illinois, this sandwich is also known as a "loose hamburger sandwich".
The hamburger sandwiches are served on two square pieces of toasted white bread.
A paper plate with part of a hamburger sandwich and a soiled, greasy paper napkin had been pushed to one side.
In one hand he was holding a drippy hamburger sandwich on Wonder Bread.
The Big Hardee is a hamburger sandwich offered by Hardee's.