His right hand was causing him excruciating pain after a terrible fall.
A sob welled in her throat, more from humiliation then any pain his hand caused.
Our hand on the back of the seat is holding them back and causing resentment.
The rower's hands are too low causing an upset to the balance of the boat (the "set").
She went to set the cup down, and her hand, still trembling, caused hot coffee to slop out onto the side of his forearm.
They cautioned, "We are not implying that using one's left hand causes a risk of earlier death."
Once again some unseen hand had caused doom and destruction!
"For this work, John, I hope your hand will not cause you pain."
Strong unbalanced hands in which the primary suit is a minor often cause trouble after a forcing opening.
He grabbed it, but his blood-slicked hands caused it to roll away.