He saw a flash, heard a pop like a single hand clap.
Jack began an indirect apology, and Bron ended with a hand clap to the young man's back.
A sharp noise like a hand clap has more high frequency content than low.
After the old-fashioned way of the hand clap, traders and carriers will weigh the cheeses.
Additional hand claps were added throughout the song as well as some new instrumentation to the choruses.
Other passers-by at the 137th Street station let loose the occasional hurrah or hand clap.
The hand clap produces two rings, a small red one and a giant green one.
Gratuitous electronic hand claps are right at your fingertips.
He started doing this (without the hand clap) on the February 13, 2006 show.
The hand clap between "bulls" and "hit" was first added during the tail end of the April 3, 2006 show.