His hand enfolded mine past my strength to free my fingers unless we struggled in good earnest.
With her hand enfolded in his, Molly was jerked to a stop when she reached the length of her arm.
Down on the edge of the bed, that hand enfolded between his own two strong ones; Cato leaned forward and kissed Bibulus's brow.
Strong hands enfolded her upper arms and pulled her up.
Ben's right hand kept the girl's right hand enfolded.
His hand found hers and enfolded it, for the first time.
A white arm came out to him, a hand reached for and enfolded his.
The anthropomorphic hand gently enfolded her; Rick sweated bullets, concentrating, and knew that he would never try anything like this with a mere physical-control system.
His huge hand enfolded mine.
One hand enfolds her shoulder, the massive instrument, made for smashing bricks or bending iron, now gentle as the warmth in his eyes.