She leered over the bottle her right hand was grappling with unsteadily.
I turned my head to see him clambering over the railing, preparing to make the leap even as hands grappled at him, trying to hold him back.
He touched her bare arm tenderly, and felt her hand grapple for and take his arm.
The hands of the lazar grappled for Alfred's neck, seeking to choke the life from him.
Somehow his neck was through the webbing and his hands grappled furiously at the arms.
His hands were now grappling with one another and it seemed an eternity before the fingers ceased their deadly, interlocked and fratricidal strangling.
His hands were grappling for my throat, and I squirmed and thrashed under his weight, trying to buck him off.
Vitellius' hands grappled with one another for an answer.
Clawed hands grappled for Gerard's throat.
Again two strong hands grappled the old man's oilcloth bag.