He flung himself down on one end of the bed, hands jammed against his eyes.
Now Anielewicz walked with his head down, hands jammed into his pockets against the cold.
Paul repeated, hands jammed at the waist of his fashionable brown trousers.
Garth walked out onto the medical center steps with me, hands jammed in his pockets and head lowered.
He was standing there in his uniform, hands jammed deep into his pockets.
Andy turned around and surveyed the toys, hands jammed to his hips.
She stared at him, jammed her hands in her pockets.
They didn't talk to one another, but stood silent, their hands jammed into their pockets.
The writer stood away from her, hands jammed in his jacket pockets, silent.
Both her hands, after he let go, she had jammed into the pockets of her coat.