The shower was a hand-held model in an alcove off the sink area (there was only one sink).
The 24th century unit is a small, gray, hand-held model with a flip-out panel to allow for a larger screen.
The hand-held model is designed for a range of 10m to 100m.
Although not as commonly used in archaeology, sophisticated metal detectors are available having much greater sensitivity than hand-held models.
"The City" is made with a mix of film and videotape, using a variety of cameras, including hand-held models, for a more mobile, energetic look.
The biggest is power: a car phone broadcasts at up to 3 watts, while a hand-held model is limited to 0.6 watt.
All phones are difficult to use while driving, but hand-held models are the most awkward of all.
Both hand-held and gas models can do an admirable job.
Portable steam cleaners come in upright, canister, and even hand-held models.
Whatever kind of degausser was used, it doesn't seem to have been very powerful: probably a hand-held model.