He looked like a guy who'd just stepped down from a hot bulldozer to hurry into a hand-tailored suit which still somehow didn't quite fit.
Pavlos and his groomsmen wore hand-tailored suits by Brioni of Rome.
Another line of classic hand-tailored suits came from Salvatore Ferragamo, who is also known for his shoe designs.
But once he had the money, he also acquired expensive hand-tailored suits.
He wears $1,000 hand-tailored suits, white silk shirts and silk ties.
It was a huge departure for Mr. Smith, with hand-tailored pick-stitched suits and shirts that hugged the forms.
He dresses in hand-tailored three-button suits and may be the only person in city government to wear a white pocket handkerchief.
Other merchants cite a similarly robust growth - about 15 to 25 percent annually - in hand-tailored suits, though no industry-wide figures exist.
The two winners received hand-tailored suits.
Only last year, Mr. Whitehead spent $40,000 on hand-tailored suits, prosecutors said.