It means the old handbag factories and sheet-metal shops and moving companies are being replaced by high-ticket housing.
He owns a handbag factory near Turin-- she's his secretary, I should think.
Mr. Della Valle recently bought another handbag factory because, he said, he can't keep up with demand.
How the hell did they get a 5ft alligator out of the shop and had it eaten all the rest of the animals by the time they got it to the handbag factory?
He never pursued finance as much as he fell into it, working in a handbag factory, then hiring on at a succession of investment houses, first in London, then in New York.
At the Poznan trade fair earlier this year, he cajoled managers from a state company in the Ukraine to purchase clasps for their handbag factory near Lvov.
Mohamed, who has graduate degrees in physics and mathematics, got a job in a handbag factory.
Located in a former handbag factory, the bakery cafe was initially a 100-loaf-a-day operation.
The village is well known in Galicia because it is where one of New York based fashion designer Carolina Herrera's clothes and handbag factories is located.
I said dryly, "She's a shorthand typist again, working in a handbag factory at Perivale."