The Orzechowskis, who sued on principle, then adopted another handicapped girl, Carly, now 7.
There must be other handicapped girls here, Gisselle.
Jerry goes to great lengths to get a sad-faced handicapped girl to laugh.
In high school, he invited a mentally handicapped girl who always ate lunch alone to sit with his table of football players.
Porkaalam dealt with the stigma attached to a handicapped girl in a rural setup.
Murali as a penance decides to marry a handicapped girl.
They have been charged in connection with an incident on March 1, 1989, involving a mentally handicapped 17-year-old girl.
One of the victims was a physically handicapped girl.
According to the band, this song was written for a handicapped girl.
To a handicapped girl unable to leave the city, though, Pelham is as far away as its trees and gardens are foreign.