This makes traffic regulation much easier for signalmen to handle among themselves.
There he handled cases from immigration to housing to domestic violence, among others.
In the tower, nearly a dozen computers are linked to handle the networking and communications among machines.
As a knacker he handled, among other things, hides, skins and leather.
Just a handful to handle fights and petty theft among the workers.
It also single-handedly handles all Canadian grain exports, among the world's largest.
"They are a problem," he said, "but it is not something that we cannot handle among ourselves."
Using these, people can determine how well they are handling stress, and their risk for heart disease, cancer and stroke, among others.
Audiences Unlimited, (818) 753-3470, extension 812, handles the tickets for the show, among dozens of others.
The smaller newspapers also have the advantage of being easier to handle, particularly among commuters.