They charge extra for handling baggage, and drivers expect a 10% to 15% tip.
'Where did this Lauch handle baggage?'
"This company used to be a family," said James Neal, who has handled baggage and done other work at Eastern for half of his 44 years.
In addition, Neuenbürg Stadt station received facilities for handling baggage.
He has taken passenger reservations, handled baggage, worked the gates, and he recently became a flight attendant, a job he loves.
On No. 365, he checked in customers, handled baggage and helped serve passengers on US Airways.
Another is the unresolved question of who is liable for losses, since both the T.S.A. and the airlines now handle baggage.
After that you'll have the money, for the railway station needs a part-time man to handle baggage, and the job is yours, Mr. Wendell.
In June 1970, unused sheds were demolished for facilities to handle baggage.
He told me she'd have to wait her turn, which in that context meant after the skycaps finished handling baggage.