In that time, the number of employees to handle clients remained virtually unchanged.
The merger will bring to- gether two leaders in digital printing to form a company with far greater ability to handle national and international clients.
"Being involved in the community like this starts your relationship off on a different level," he said, "but it probably means you can handle fewer clients."
Mr. Peirez said lawyers from his firm will be on call all weekend to handle clients involved in year 2000 claims.
During his twenty years with the firm, he handled business disputes for individuals, small businesses, and nationally known clients.
The Schwartz firm has handled clients nationwide in addition to the city.
Since big-ticket items result in big commissions, personal shoppers prefer to handle clients with expensive tastes.
As you know, Freddie handles only a very few clients, and they're all top stars.
Most top-level publicists work in private practice, handling multiple clients.
The two teams handle clients together as long as the clients want it that way, they said.