To keep matters simple, we will define an orchestrator as the entity that manages complex cross domain (system, enterprise, firewall) processes and handle exceptions.
It principally communicates with one or more Web services, sending and receiving messages, manipulating data and handling exceptions ('errors') as defined by any given process.
Since operations handle exceptions better, many programmers use only operations in an interface definition.
Objective-C and C++ exception handling is distinct; the handlers of each cannot handle exceptions of the other type.
Again, a code of behavior handles exceptions.
Automatic control systems, provided that human intervention is possible to handle exceptions, offer the greatest promise.
It handles unfair labor practice complaints, representation petitions, negotiability appeals and exceptions to arbitration awards, all within the realm of Federal employment.
The advantages of this approach is that it is simple, fast, and easily handles exceptions.
The model (and good management) can handle exceptions.
For example, a method to play a movie file might handle exceptions in reading the file by re-throwing them inside an exception of movie playing.